~ Buccaneer

Below decks there is a slight chill, perhaps because the information is getting denser as you descend. The Buccaneer leans against a mop. As you peer into the darkness it would seem the cargo extends for a finite forever. The floors here are polished with hard work, buffed out over time by petabytes of data and bales of rags. You get the distinct impression that this is a rare moment of quiet down here in the hold.
>> "Howdy. If'n there's something specific you're looking for, best of luck. The cyphers are in place to keep anyones from gettin too comfortable. Really there ain't nothin to em. Churning the data's a clever trick, but our Navigator will let you in on the secret for what good it'll do ya. Nothing that a head on a swivel can't see for itself. The Stacks're down there, and the Keys too. Best be movin before the cypher does; it genererally rolls on the :00, :20, and :40."
>head into the Stacks >borrow a key (books // comics+manga // media) >offer to help >return to the main deck