~ Buccaneer

Below decks there is a slight chill, perhaps because the information is getting denser. The Buccaneer leans against his mop. The floors here are polished with hard work, buffed out over time by petabytes of data and bales of rags. You get the distinct impression this is a rare moment of quiet for him.
"Howdy. If'n there's something specific you're looking for, best of luck. The cyphers are in place to keep anyones from gettin too comfortable. Really there ain't nothin to em. Churning the data's a clever trick, but our Navigator will let you in on the secret for what good it'll do ya. Nothing that head on swivel can't see for itself. The Stacks're down there though, and the Keys for the cypher too. Best be movin before the cypher does, it genererally rolls on the :00, :20, and :40."
>head into the Stacks >borrow a key (books // comics+manga // media) >offer to help >return to the main deck